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Product Description

Rust-Oleum Metallic spray paint is perfect for creating elegant and brilliant metallic finishes. Apply to wood, metal, plaster, masonry, ceramic and wicker. Advanced formulation provides lasting lustre.

Application - Shake can vigorously for 1 minute after mixing ball begins to rattle, continue to shake regularly during use. Hold can 30cm from surface and spray in a steady back and forth motion, slightly overlapping with each stroke. For best results whilst spraying keep the can the same distance from the surface and keep the can in motion. Apply several light coats a few minutes apart.

Coverage - This can covers approximately 2m2 dependent upon surface profile / porosity.

Drying Time - Touch dry in 20 minutes. Hard dry 24 hours. Recoat anytime after 20 mins.

Please note (decorative finish)
Rust-oleum products may be usuitable for some automotive car finishes



Customer Reviews

Rust-Oleum Metallic 400ml Aerosol (Various Colours)